by Timothy J. LensmireView Publication
In When Children Write: Critical Re-Visions of the Writing Workshop, Lensmire describes his year of teaching writing with third graders, illuminating his text with stories and pictures created by the children themselves. The writing workshop that Lensmire and his students created featured students coming to voice in community with each other. It also featured the disturbing reproduction, in their texts and ways of working and being with each other, of gender and social class divisions and hierarchies. An extended meditation on the possibilities and limits of progressive education, Lensmire’s groundbreaking study both affirms the idea that children should be granted more control over their literate lives in schools and explores serious issues and challenges, for teachers and students, that accompany such increased control.
EISBN: 978-1-946135-99-5
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Publication Date: December 1, 2023