by Christian Aggeler, Felipe Fernández-Armesto, John M. Headley, Laura Hebert, Calvin B. Kendall, John Koegel, Oliver Nicholson, Patrick Provost-Smith, John F. Schwaller, Jonathan Shepard, James B. Tueller, Robin Darling Young
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This debut volume in the new series Minnesota Studies in Early Modern History brings a comparative approach to what, in recent years, has been a hotly debated topic within and across a number of academic disciplines: conversion to Christianity. These debates register the challenges inherent in attempting to understand a transformation that was at once personal and collective -- a matter of inner conviction and outward conformity. The essays in this volume range from the late antique Middle East to medieval Western and Eastern Europe; from early modern Asia to the Americas and the islands in the central Pacific. Collectively, the ten authors encourage consideration of the conversion phenomenon comparatively across time and space.
EISBN: 978-1-946135-63-6
ISBN: 978-0-9797559-0-3
Publication Date: April 2020